Saturday, January 19, 2008

Magazine subscription - 09

The Nat'l Wildlife Federation puts out Ranger Rick for kids seven and up and they also have a magazine for 1-4 yrs olds. It's called Wild Animal Baby. I've never seen one but the description sounds very fun. I'd love to try it for a year. It's 10 issues for $20, kind of spendy, but it sounds like it's published in board book format so it would be durable. Also, Erik would get a dish and utensils free!

Also, the publishers of Cricket magazine put out magazines for smaller children. Babybug is for 0-3 year olds, Ladybug for 3-6 year olds. Each are 9 issues/year for $33.95. If you found older issues on ebay or at a garage sale, that would be fantastic, too!

National Geographic also has a magazine for 3-6 year olds called Little Kids. This one is only $15 per year.

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